I'd thought of starting out by telling President Obama that I admire his body surfing style (check out the famous photo to the right!) at Sandy Beach or that I know he takes his kids body boarding (See photo below where he was caught on camera teaching his daughter Malia to bodyboard).
Unfortunately, the president was out of town while I was in DC, and so I was unable to get past the White House lawn even though I brought this authentic wooden paddleboard all the way to DC (see photo below - that thing was hard to get through airport security!).
But stay tuned, I still think that paddleboarding is in our presidential future!

Despite my lack of success paddleboarding with the president, I was able to take in some of the important sites while in DC. After my meeting ended, I took the opportunity to travel to Senator Dan Inouye's office to thank him for his support of education in Hawaii.
I was able to see the senate in session, and I also got to view the senate committee hearings on Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court.
You are amazing!